Recent Production

Much Ado About Nothing
Tickets on sale now!
Thank you to everyone who supported our summer 2024 season and our first-ever production of Much Ado About Nothing. We loved sharing it with you, and we can’t wait to see you again next summer!
- Thursday, Sep 19, 7:30pm–9pm
- Friday, Sep 20, 7:30pm–9pm
- Saturday, Sep 21, 7:30pm–9pm
Subscribe to our email list (below) to hear about upcoming shows. Wanna see some more fun photos? Scroll down a bit further to take a brief and interesting tour of some of our summer shows of yore!
- Sunday, July 9, 2pm–3:30pm*
*Admission is FREE for this performance as part of GCMA’s “Sundays at 2” series. Just show up and enjoy!
Is It Summer Yet??
Summer Shakes!
Since 1995, we’ve been entertaining the Upstate with wholesome, zany, family-friendly, mercifully abbreviated versions of Shakespeare’s comedies. We look forward to the summer every year…and we can’t wait to show you what’s cooking this season. There’s no better way to introduce someone to Shakespeare. Make it a midsummer tradition!
👇 Scroll down for a brief, fun tour of Summer Shakespears past! 🥳

Don’t Look So Forlorn.
We’re not ready to announce this summer’s show yet. But if you sign up for our emails, you’ll know the moment the news hits the interwebs!
Showtimes (NEW!)
- Thursday, September 7, 7pm–8:30pm
- Friday, September 8, 7pm–8:30pm
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Latest News
Itching to know what we’re up to? We’d love to keep you in the loop! We only send the good stuff—FiggyWhig’s, not Spam.
Did Someone Say FiggyWhig’s??
Summer Shakes
Fun Fact Timeline
- 1995
Summer Shakespeare is born when Jeffrey and Kim Stegall decide to put on a play with friends for the benefit of summer drama students. The play that summer was Love’s Labor’s Lost, and tickets were just $1. Oh, and they did this with four-month-old baby Margaret!

- 1997
Summer Shakespeare puts on its only non-Shakespeare summer production. Lonnie and Margaret Polson take the leading roles in The Importance of Being Earnest.

- 1998
First dog cast for Summer Shakespeare as Crab in Two Gentlemen of Verona. Many wonderful pups have played this role over the years including Arnold, Toby, Scout, Riley, Bella, and Jack.

- 2004
After a five-summer hiatus, Summer Shakespeare makes a glorious return with As You Like It (“the musical”).

- 2008
Summer Shakespeare debuts Tempest. Is Tempest technically a comedy? We took care of that…rubber mulch and all.

- 2011
Summer Shakespeare’s one and only production (thus far) of Taming of the Shrew starring husband-wife duo Zach and Alissa Franzen.

- 2014
FiggyWhig’s famous cupcakes become a staple of intermission fare at Summer Shakespeare. (FiggyWhig’s has been synonymous with Summer Shakespeare for so long, we actually don’t remember the exact year these scrumptious dainties made their debut.)

- 2019
Summer Shakespeare celebrates its 20th season! And Jeffrey Stegall decides that the best way to honor the occasion is to play five minor roles in As You Like It.

The first outdoor performance of a Summer Shakespeare production…that didn’t happen. After enduring Zoom rehearsals and everything that went along with lockdowns, and just four days till the opening of Comedy of Errors, we had to call off the production due to a Covid-19 spike and strike the lovely outdoor stage designed by Elizabeth Nelson. A “comedy of errors” indeed.

- 2022
Summer Shakespeare alum of many seasons Lindsay Morgan Bean made her directorial debut for Summer Shakespeare with Love’s Labor’s Lost. Oh, and she also played several roles to fill in for absent cast members, because she’s just that dedicated.

Midsummers Past
(You may be tested on this someday)
- 2024 Much Ado About Nothing
- 2023 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- 2022 Love’s Labor’s Lost
- 2021 Comedy of Errors
2020 Comedy of Errors - 2019 As You Like It
- 2018 Two Gentlemen of Verona, CA
- 2017 Twelfth Night
- 2016 Tempest
- 2015 Love’s Labor’s Lost
- 2014 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- 2013 Comedy of Errors
- 2012 As You Like It
- 2011 Taming of the Shrew
- 2010 Twelfth Night
- 2009 Two Gentlemen of Verona
- 2008 Tempest
- 2007 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- 2006 Love’s Labor’s Lost
- 2005 Comedy of Errors
- 2004 As You Like It
- 1998 Two Gentlemen of Verona
- 1997 The Importance of Being Earnest
- 1996 As You Like It
- 1995 Love’s Labor’s Lost