The Bard for the Masses
All the Upstate’s
a Stage.
Greenville Shakespeare Company (GSC) is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide the Upstate of South Carolina and surrounding areas with family-friendly, high-quality, accessible productions of Shakespeare and other classic works of literature.
Upcoming Productions
Tickets on Sale Now!
It’s A Wonderful Life
December 6 & 7 at 7:30 p.m.
December 8 at 3:00 p.m.
Celebrate the Christmas season with GSC! We are excited to present It’s A Wonderful Life, a one-hour radio drama adapted by Joe Landry and presented at the Simpsonville Arts Center!
Our Outreach
You may know us for our Shakespeare plays, but productions aren’t the only things we do. Find out how we’re spreading our mission in the Upstate and beyond.



Is It Summer Yet??
Summer Shakes!
Since 1995, we’ve been entertaining the Upstate with wholesome, zany, family-friendly, mercifully abbreviated versions of Shakespeare’s comedies. We look forward to the summer every year…and we can’t wait to show you what’s cooking this season. There’s no better way to introduce someone to Shakespeare. Make it a midsummer tradition!
Our Story
Well, Shakespeare Was Born at a Young Age...
Having worked for several summers with students attending speech and drama camps, founder Jeffrey Stegall decided that the students he was coaching would benefit from seeing a live stage production during their week at camp. Teaming up with wife, author, and editor Kim Stegall, and rocking four-month-old baby Margaret, they cut together a mercifully abbreviated script of Love’s Labor’s Lost. Jeffrey convinced friends and colleagues to join the little troupe, and, at ticket prices of just one dollar, Summer Shakespeare was born in 1995.
In 2008 and 2009, the Brave New World Theatre Workshops were held in downtown Greenville, SC. This and subsequent educational endeavors in area schools led to Summer Shakespeare’s incorporation as the Greenville Shakespeare Company, a nonprofit organization.
Support Us
Greenville Shakespeare Company is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible. Become a part of the show by supporting the Greenville Shakespeare Company today!
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