Current Shows
Winter's Tales
It’s a Wonderful Life
December 6 & 7 at 7:30 p.m.
December 8 at 3:00 p.m.
Celebrate the Christmas season with GSC! We are excited to present It’s A Wonderful Life, a one-hour radio drama adapted by Joe Landry and presented at the Simpsonville Arts Center!!
MACBETH: Fast & Fevered
GSC was thrilled to partner with Greenville Tech and Greenville Technical Charter High School for our winter productions of Hamlet (2023) and Macbeth (2024). Subscribe to our email list (below) to hear about upcoming winter shows!
Midsummer Shows

Much Ado About Nothing
Tickets on sale now!
Thank you to everyone who supported our summer 2024 season and our first-ever production of Much Ado About Nothing. We loved sharing it with you, and we can’t wait to see you again next summer! Subscribe to our email list (below) to hear about upcoming shows, and while you’re waiting, take a brief and interesting tour of some of our summer shows of yore.

Don’t Look So Forlorn.
We’re not ready to announce this summer’s show yet. But if you sign up for our emails, you’ll know the moment the news hits the interwebs!
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